Sunday 6 October 2013

Style model (monologue)

I am quite confused as to what the homework was for the 'style model', and after looking on other people's blogs for inspiration and ideas, I have interpreted it and tried to achieve the homework, however i am still unsure if this is correct. 

My Style Model

    Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
    by Robert Benton

    Joanna: Look, during the last five years of our marriage, I was scared and I was very 
    unhappy. And in my mind I had no other choice but to leave. At the time I left I felt that 
    there was something terribly wrong with me. And that my son would be better off without 
    me. And it was only after I got to California that I realized, after getting into therapy, that I 
    wasn’t such a terrible person and just because I needed some kind of creative or emotional 
    outlet other than my child, that didn’t make me unfit to be a mother.
    I know I left my son. I know that that’s a terrible thing to do. Believe me I have to live with 
    that every day of my life. But in order to leave him, I had to believe that it was the only thing 
    I could do. And that it was the best thing for him. However, I have since gotten some help, 
    and I have worked very, very hard to become a whole human being. And I don’t think I 
    should be punished for that. And I don’t think my little boy should be punished. Billy’s only 
    seven years old. He needs me. I’m not saying he doesn’t need his father, but I really believe 
    he needs me more. I was his mommy for five and a half years. And Ted took over that role 
    for eighteen months. But I don’t know how anyone can possibly believe that I have less of a 
    stake in mothering that little boy than Mr. Kramer does. I’m his mother. I’m his mother. 

    Short analysis
    I have chosen a monologue as that is what we have been focusing on recently, so I thought it would be useful to choose something that is fresh in my memory.
    This monologue has used a repetition of the the word 'and' to start off the sentences. This suggests that the monologue is listing the points that the character is trying to prove her point about. There is a good use of personal pronouns, 'I', 'me', 'I'm' to show the reader that this monologue is about them self and their own situation. There is also a lot of short sentences to make the point come across very firm and straight to the point. The use of intimate language used within the monologue, 'mommy', determines the register of this monologue, fused with a sophisticated informal approach.

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