Monday 7 October 2013

Magazine Article - Gossip Magazines

Tiny Waists? More Like a Big Fat Waste of My Time!

Do you read every page of gossip magazines to squeeze out every drop of the juicy stories, or do you let them squeeze out every drop of your self esteem?

So the other day, I decided to purchase a gossip magazine, seeing as I don't usually read gossip magazines. Now I know why. I started to read through the magazine that was saturated with juicy gossip, however I was disgusted when I realised that every time I would turn to the next page, another bitchy article would lay in front of my eyes. They all had one thing in common. They were all about weight. Weight loss, weight gain, how to start an 'effective' diet. Every article was screaming 'WEIGHT' at me. By the end of this, I found myself screaming 'WAIT' at the magazine. Wait a minute- am I the only one who is fuming about this? Am I the only one who can't see the obsession with wanting to lose weight or slating a celebrity just because they've decided to have a cake or two?

I think that it is absolutely disgusting, that gossip magazines such as 'Heat', 'Now' and 'OK!' are crammed with 'beach bod' pics, before and after pictures, details and a record of how certain celebrities' weight has fluctuated throughout the years. Rubbish. I think that these magazines should be put where food wrappers should be left too- in the bin!

It's magazines like this that brainwash the human population to feel the need to follow their celebrity idols, or to look like them, aspiring to be as thin as they are. It is proven that we are exposed to nearly 300 advertisements or articles each day, subconsciously crushing our self esteem a little more every day. The articles that the magazines contain are weight and body size orientated, and if it isn't an opinionated article about celebrity's bodies or tips on how to get a perfect beach bikini body, then it's the progress of celebrity's bodies throughout the winter season, or a new eating regime for the winter.

After reading this magazine, I was fuming, and I also felt deflated to know how many of us in Britain pick up these opinionated, bitchy magazines. If the magazines are so obsessed with losing weight, then perhaps they should just lose weight (pages) themselves! I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great to be inspired to eat healthily because it is proven to make you feel a lot better about yourself, but the way that these gossip infested magazines are coming about the whole weight situation is making body issues grow. A major issue is also the target audience, as a lot of people who read these magazines are young or even in their teens, which can be soul-crushing when you have very little confidence in yourself already. These magazines seem to make out that consuming luxury foods is a crime. People should be encouraged to learn to love the skin that they are in, and to understand that there is only so much you can do to get a more idealised body, however in the meantime, us girls need to love what we have, and wake up every day smiling at what we see in the mirror's reflection.


  1. Great voice and structure. I like the play on weight/wait - it really sets up the argument with that homophone. "Crude-filled" doesn't quite work - can you work out grammatically why?

    1. thank you for your feedback Halla! Yeah, I will study that word/phrase again to work out why and to find something better that fits
