Thursday 7 November 2013

Transcript for Drawing Activity

Beth: in the top left hand corner (.) there's (3) like an eight (.) but on its side (5) Exactly ^ um (.) on the (.) to the right of the eight (1) there's like a (.) circle which is a bit bigger than the infinity sign (1) so it's like a (.) thumb (.) size (3) a circle (3)

Rachel: I'll redraw it (3)

Beth: Done? ^ (4) and then (.) to the right of that (.) a bit further down (.) there's a rectangle (.) but it's like (2) the longest side is (2) on the (.) bottom (.) on the top (/) if you get what I mean?^ (4) um (.) below the infinity sign (/) like quite a bit below (.) so about a fingers length below (2) there's a star (4)

Overview: Beth's spontaneous description was effective and came across with clear instructions, however it took a long time to get her point across due to fillers, pauses and use of interrupting herself with different bits of information. Nonetheless, the understanding between Beth and Rachel is clearly portrayed as there is not a huge confusion, and the way that Beth is describing the objects to Rachel is clear and imaginative, full of common socialect that both Beth and Rachel are familiar with.


  1. Use PEE to explore the sociolect used. What are you using the forward slash to mean?

    1. the forward slash was to mean an interruption, however I put them in brackets as it could have been mistaken for a slash/alternative answer
